Benefits of Strawberry for Health

Who the hell is not familiar with this fruit? fruit that looks really pretty with a very tempting. Fruit strwaberry has many vitamin, mineral and antioxidant is very good for health. This fruit contains vitamins A, B, B2, B3, B5, B6, C, E, K, beta-carotene, calcium, folic acid, sodium, magnesium, potassium, zinc and iron.

Here are some benefits of strawberries:

1. for eye health
Antioxidants contained in strawberries can ward off free radicals that can lower your eye health. While vitamin C and flavonoids can as a preventive disease such as age related macular degeneration and cataracts.

2. Get rid of acne
Acne and excess minya on the face can be cleaned with vitamin C, silisat acid, flavanoid and Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHA) contained in strawberry fruit.

3. Maintain immune system
Vitamin C contained in strawberry fruit also acts as an anti oxidant to strengthen the immune system. In one glass of strawberries contains 136 percent of vitamin C can be a very effective antioxidants to the body.

4. Heart Health
Vitamin C and antioxidant membetuk tannins can protect arteries from damage and prevent blood clotting. In addition since strawberry contains plenty of fiber, vitamin C, folate, and antioxidants can reduce cholesterol and therefore the chances of heart disease can be prevented.

5. Treating cancer
In strawberries there are anti oxidant and anti-inflammatory that can resist all kinds of cancer. Well since inside the strawberries there are vitamin C, folate and flanoid.

6. Cure high blood pressure/hypertension
Strawberries contain iron and potassium that are useful to balance the blood pressure.

7. Maintaining healthy skin
Vitamin C in fruit strawberry can improve network manufacture of collagen. They are also able to remove dead skin cells the way by mixing strawberries with milk and olive oil used for wraps.

Still lots of strawberry fruit benefits for the health of the body, are interested in consuming this fruit? but it's always a fair amount of consumption, don't overdo it.
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